The Black Strokes Next Awfully Big Rowing Adventure…

In late May as part of their buildup to the Rallye, Liz and Tina took part in the Row for Ray, a three day charity fund raising 141 km row down the Waikato River from Cambridge (near the home of New Zealand rowing, Lake Karapiro), to the mouth of the Waikato at Port Waikato.  Both Liz and Tina felt very encouraged afterwards that their preparation for the Rallye was on track.

During the Rallye we were a little surprised to be asked a few questions about the Hoea Kaha (in Maori “strong paddle”), a proposed rallye style event down the Waikato along much of the Row for Ray course.  It was the first we had heard of such an event, but the more we heard, the more we liked.   When the topic came up at our recent reunion it wasn’t long before we decided that the Black Strokes next outing would be in the Hoea Kaha.  Liz, Tina and Chris B have committed to the venture and found several other volunteers from the North Shore rowing club.   We’re one of six teams committed so far to the event. (There’s also a Facebook page: search under Hoea Kaha).

Unfortunately, as there’s no towpath alongside the Waikato, the ability for cyclists to follow the boats is limited although several roads and cycle trails do run nearby.  Nevertheless the Hoea Kaha offers a great opportunity to row down New Zealand’s longest river in an area which is rich in Maori heritage.  Staying at a Marae is a quite unique experience and something of a right of passage for Maori and Pakeha alike.

The Hoea Kaha also has one big advantage over the Rallye; no locks, just Taniwha, perhaps.

Liz at stroke checks for Taniwha during the Row for Ray

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